Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Farm in Maine

We have the chance to buy the beautiful farm inn where we got married ten years ago this August. We're going to head up for a visit to celebrate and maybe just to fantasize. What do you think?
In the meantime, planning for a bonbon kind of fall with all kinds of very bon things...


  1. Buy it. Then I can visit and cook for you!

    Vince can be your paragliding instructor ( there a hill nearby?)and the cat, can...he can CATCH MAINE MICE!


    You need us

  2. now that's a ten year wedding anniversary present! we would love to visit maine and would rent it from you for sure or at least a room ;). it looks lovely! safe travels!

  3. that would be amazing! what a beautiful place..

  4. I'm with Marie and Cindy. ;) Definitely.


  5. buy it and get a goat and i will move in and learn cheesemaking or something equally amazing! happy, happy anniversary!!!

    ps...i can't wait to see the new fall bonbons!

  6. that was my dream. i did leave queens and currently live in maine but i'm still saving for the farmhouse!

  7. Where in Maine?! We're up north on Little Cranberry Island right now!

    BUY IT!
    Start an arts collective there! Oiseau Farm & Arts Collective!
    DO IT!!!

    And happy ten years, you amazing woman. What lucky ducklings you are to have each other. xo

  8. gasp! what an amazing opportunity. oh gosh, i hope you buy it. and happy 10 years to you too. xoxo, k.

  9. Oh, oh, OH!!!

    Buy it, do, dear one! And congratulations and many more years to you and you and you.
