Tuesday, October 26, 2010

regular life

For two weeks I have been avoiding this space. I am back at regular life and realized I'm not that good at it.
I was enjoying the fantasy life of walking in a pretty city like Paris and looking at stuff in windows, meeting a friend for a coffee, eating a duck leg, smelling the fleurs.
But the fleurs are pretty here too. No offense Brooklyn.


  1. I don't blame you for feeling a little blue. Look at the lovely blueness of those photographs!

  2. pretty images! I miss Paris!!

  3. welcome back to real life, choue (which, by the way, is totally overrated).

    so. the best thing to do is rent a really fabulous french movie and make a date with a friend or the hubs and go to a really wonderful tiny hole in the wall french restaurant, and just wallow in grief over missing paris, then go to bed early with a tylenol pm and start the next day decidedly in love with brooklyn in the fall.

  4. welcome back! i know, sometimes the return to the daily grind can be so deflating after a trip away. soon, you will love your pretty brooklyn again too. i promise.

  5. oh but you are missed but how does one come back from paris? i say speak french all day and blow air kisses to random people in brooklyn

  6. Here you have to smell the duck legs and eat the flowers :-)

    Making some duck prosciutto as we speak. I'll let you smell it...

  7. thanks everyone. you're very understanding...and marie, i hope i'll be smelling that sooner than later!

  8. ah me I love the window reflections and the cool blues, makes me miss Paris too!

  9. Things always seem so mundane at home when you have been away. But eventually everything seems normal again until the next trip. Hope you had a wonderful time.

  10. sounds like you have ppd (post paris depression). I had that too a few weeks ago :(
    it goes away mostly and you begin to appreciate brooklyn again.

  11. Oh my, I think it would definitely be hard to come back to "regular life." Especially after the cool, soft light of Paris and the ease of such beauty around you. Yeah... Hmm. Welcome back, regardless :)

  12. dude, the photos speak for themselves, you didn't even have to tell me that it's hard returning from that life... woof!
