Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Autumn Light

It's always such a good Autumn moment to see the sun bathe everything in gold until it drops lower and lower and lower until even the shadows are pretty. Especially when it's finally cold and you can honestly say, "Hello fall."


  1. i love when you show us photos of your 'hood cause then i can imagine you there. so vibrant and full of sweet sunshine.

  2. Nothin' like Bklyn light.... nothin'. xoh

  3. ha. i can't stand that white lattice fence--this backyard belongs to my landlord. i just plant some of my stuff there and hope it comes up. if it were all mine? things would be soooo different! but the light is nice.

  4. hello old friend. i like your view of things.

  5. Oh, these have captured it beautifully!

  6. Oh how beautiful! I can't wait to be there this week deb. Promise me it will be as beautiful as this. xxoo
