Tuesday, February 8, 2011

O Sweet Spontaneous P: Takes From a Photoshoot

Saturday we had a small photoshoot to create some graphics for the Fall/Winter Collection I'll be bringing to Paris on the 27th (that soon? ayeeee!!)
P. came over to help me style the shoot which was mostly shot by my
sweet and talented husband and the collaboration was fun to say the
very least, inspiring to say the most.
Maybe I actually conned her
into it, always enamored by her incredible eye and her own beautiful photos,
I'm not sure which,
but she added so much to the entire day. Here's a little
sampling of some cast-offs,
some by me, some by P some by Jim,
fun none-the-less, especially when we talked her into
wearing some of it and letting Jim unleash his beautiful
photo style that I love so much, especially for
this shoot which we agreed had to be "watercolory"...

Maybe it was something about the sum of the day, but
she left this behind,
as she ran to catch her gypsy-cab, her
voice trailed, "I think you'll like thisssss..."

O sweet spontaneous earth
how often have the doting

fingers of purient philosophers
pinched and poked thee,
has the naughty thumb of
science prodded thy
how often have religions taken
thee upon their scraggy knees
squeezing and
buffeting thee that thou mightest conceive gods
(but true
to the incomparable
couch of death thy
rhythmic lover
thou answerest
them only with
-- e e cummings


  1. so much inspiration deb! i love it. light and colorful! xxoo

  2. Oh, perfection! You and P together in a collaboration is heaven on a stick! I love it & she is the perfect model for your work, ya know? Her inner radiance is perfect for it all. I love these shots and can't wait to see the final graphics. Just gorgeous you 3!

  3. DOOD, that's my dimp! The pictures came out so purty, notwithstanding my excessive facial hair. Thank you for a wonderful day and for always inspiring me. Love to you and Jeremy Renner. P.S.: C.B.

  4. so fun and lovely too! love the poem as well, perfect.

  5. These look fantastic! And there are those little lacy bead numbers I love. Can't wait to see the whole thing. Beautiful is the weather, wish I war beautiful.

