Thursday, June 2, 2011

Don't Throw the Roses out with the Rosewater

With these roses

I thee made some rosewater

Remember last week how exciting the first crop of roses was? Well that was fast and
then there were petals everywhere. I celebrated our day off by making rosewater. Rosenwasser!
Eau de Rose. It was like making a cloud. And collecting the rain. And it didn't take very long which was my kind of project.

How to Make Rosewater Mit Bonbon:
1. gather all the petals--you'll need a lot. chances are you'll have a lot. have some ice at the ready, about 2 cups. also have a brick and some bowls that won't bust.
2. put the brick on the bottom and middle of a large pot.
3. scatter the petals around the brick
4. pour water over the petals until the level just reaches the brick's top.
5. Place a small glass or stainless steel bowl on top of the brick in the pot
6. bring to a boil.
7. when boiling, reduce to simmer and immediately place ice in another large heatproof bowl and put the bowl as a lid on the pot. make sure there's a tight seal but you can lift the bowl off when you need too.
8. let simmer for about half an hour. Change the ice if need be. The little bowl inside is now filled with roser water!!
9. rosewater has happened.
10. put in the refrigerator and use for lovely things such as splashing on your face, for cooking, or for your body scrub with some almond or olive oil, sea salt or sugar and a few petals for good measure.
11. I bet you could make this with other things too: (insert what those things are here)


  1. i love rose water and never imagined making it myself, until now. i tried to email you over the weekend, but it bounced. some pics of your hood on our blog today, including a bonbon or two.

  2. I want to be the kind of person who makes her own rosewater.

    xo jane

  3. that is so interesting! I'm going to give it a try!

  4. Cindy, you can do it! going to your blog now to look!
    flwr, if it wasn't so easy to do and I didn't have so many petals, i would not be that person either!
    Suzanne, let me know how it comes out!

  5. HA!~Beautiful shots of my neighborhood! That's all happening right down the street, and Jim and I have been laughing about that grafitti (which is sort of new!)
    Thanks for the beautiful shot of the charm bracelets Cindy and the sweet shout out!
    (Did you try those macarons yet?)

  6. That is a verry tricky idea and I will certainly try it. :) I love the smell of roses and rose water which you can find in some of the biggest shops but never thought that I can make some by my own. Thanks for sharing this.

    Greetings holiday apartment london
