Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

1. It's OK: There were many many flowers
and candles and a little greenery swiped from the 
mean green streets of NY this year, but no tree. we still don't know why.

2. Work: was a lot of work for us in December 
and our new little studio did not fail.
We raised $175 by selling 35 moneyclips from our site and at the Brooklyn Flea for The Food Bank for NYC. It will be matched by an anonymous donor to make it $350--that's 1750 meals for new Yorkers in need. Thank you if you purchased one!

3. Play: and still a very little time for very little things

In a few hours, this year will be gone. The new one begins shortly and soon and I'm hopeful that the happiness I felt through the holidays, seeing friends and family, another good reception for our Bonbons, I'm looking back on how difficult it felt this summer with our move, and how different we feel now, how new we've become despite disappointments and defeats. I hope these happinesses will carry into 2012, that we'll all somehow be better for having survived the last year when some days it didn't feel that way. I'm thinking: we are very lucky. 

After tonight's toasting is finished, we're leaving first thing in the morning by train to Montreal, picnic in tow a la Marie, pretty new clothes in a suitcase (thanks for helping me choose for three hours P.), sweet scents from Jim...

Happy New Year! Ring in tonight's end with this, first found via Molly a few years ago, and in front of my desk every year, no matter what number:

Last night, as I was sleeping,
I dreamt--marvelous error!--
that I had a beehive
here inside my heart.
And the golden bees
were making white combs
 and sweet honey
from my old failures.

--Antonio Machado


  1. happy new year dear deb! safe travels to montreal...I was just saying the other day how I want to go there sometime!

  2. I got such a kick out of the fact that you mentioned two friends in this post, I just had to say something. Molly and Marie! Go figure.
