Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bonbon Land

 These lovelies above from the new collection "Burning More Brightly", the colors of late summer grasses and autumn change are in transit to Cog & Pearl in Brooklyn, one of our oldest and dearest to our hearts shops. Contact them for info...

 These are among a small part of a very large order (some are unfinished components) that will be headed to Japan shortly, going to one of my favorite and most faithful shops Coincidence owned by one of my favorite and most cherished people, Kaori. We met in Paris  and it was love ever since. There's Chie too who is also helps choose bonbons for their shops in Tokyo and also just lovely. We often design collections especially for them. I love how they trust me.

Doing some custom work with precious and semi-precious gems and antique sequins--excited about these as they are a big surprise for someone pretty it you?

The Bonbon Show has been busy, almost time for an August holiday to go and see some things, gather information before the busy Fall season and new surprises--will have some of these bonbon prettinesses up and waiting for you when I get back...


  1. So pretty, Miss Bonbon!
    The opening ones with an African influence (I think?)
    lotds of love

  2. your long standing customer relationships with people who have become dear to you must make some of the normal business challenges more tolerable. your new collection looks wonderful and colorful. happy weekend!

  3. beautiful new work, deb.
    i love cog & pearl too: that seth is the best! he carries our little 8mm ideas, as well!
