Friday, October 25, 2013

My Cat Stepped on My Face to Get Me To Do This: Nearly Impossible 2013

I am going to this: Nearly Impossible 2013. Fuck it, right? 

Arianne Foulks, who does "all the things" at the fabulous web design co. Aeolidia shot me an email saying she'd be there in Brooklyn for it and we could meet up.  
I read her email late last night (after my "Become a Pretend Landscape Designer" class I take with P.) and early this morning, after the cat stepped on my face to drink out of my water glass, I looked at the Nearly Impossible link.

It looked too good to be true. Respected and successful practitioners of entrepreneurial prowess running the show. A chance for enlightenment. Sound advice on how to go forward in my newish bonbon adventure venture in the here and now by sound advice-givers. Other things probably.
James Victore is one of the speakers, who I met briefly when I worked as an educator at the Museum of Arts and Design (while he was there giving a workshop for the NYC Mentor/Student program) and when I saw his name I thought there must be thousands or so people who have met that guy in a similar way--a lucky chance to hear him speak and be inspired by his no-bullshit straight-to-the-heart approach to design. And thinking. Just seeing him would be worth going to this. I bet people say to him all the time, "I saw you _____________. You really changed my thinking about a lot  of things." Some people just have that gift.

And then I saw this quote: "Don't undertake a project unless it is manifestly important and nearly impossible" -Edwin H. Land

The I googled Edwin H. Land, then I looked at my calendar. Then I balked. Then I figured out that I could make room for it. I COULD DO THIS. My credit card told me so.

I'm going! I'M DOING THIS!!! Thank you Aeolidia

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