Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Holidays Continue on and Smile Therapy, the Beau Ideal

We need to be celebrating. 
We need to be smiling more and finding all the things we are lucky about.
I am telling myself this because I spent yesterday completely stressed out and doing neither of those things.

Someone told me once I take on too much. Someone else told me I really take on other people's stress and worries and internalize it. Someone else told me I need to take it easy and exhale fear.
What I gather from all of that informative information that other people think is that recognition is step one and smiling it off is step 2. Trying both today and after work is over, which is never over this time of year but let's just call it "over", am planning on a good activity tonight: writing holiday cards. I love that part!

All this to say is that one of my favorite ladies and her beautiful company Beau Ideal Editions is having a sale! Enter HOHOHO25 at check out and receive 25% off all her gorgeous smile-inducing holiday cards and sets! Very happy stuff...

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