Monday, June 30, 2008

Je t'aime L'Atelier Vert

I fall in love so easily.
Here are 5 (ok 7) recipes I want to try this week
from L'Atelier Vert's kitchen:

Sorrel tart
(Tarte d'oseille)

Tagine of fish with onions and confit of fresh lemons
(Tagine de poisson auz oignons et aux citrons confits à l'instant)
ooo or
Filet of sole, spring vegetable couscous, juice with sweet spices
Filet de sole, couscous léger aux légumes de printemps, jus aux épices douces)

Spring lamb chops grilled with green garlic and mint
(Cotelets d'agneau grillées à l'ail vert et à la menthe)

ooo or...Lamb tagine with bitter orange and honey

"Flourless" almond cake with apricots and rosemary
(Moelleux d'amandes aux abricots et au romarin)

Rhubarb-rose bread pudding with strawberry-rose sauce
(Pain perdu à la rhubarbe et à la rose, coulis fraise-rose)

and possibly I can make this beautiful sounding recipe for rose syrup if I get out to
my folk's house and steal all of their roses. If I do, I promise to share.


  1. What a beautiful blog you have here! I have enjoyed scrolling down and seeing all of your lovely photos. Thanks for stopping by mine and saying hello. And those food items you've listed? Making me very hungry!

  2. rose syrup! yes...i once made lavender syrup (and used it to make raspberry jam), but i like idea of rose syrup more.

  3. i love the rose recipes!~ living in the "rose city" (portland, oregon) i literally have more roses than i know what to do i can make delectable sweets. mmmm....thanks for the tip! (and beautiful blog, i will be back for seconds.)

  4. Oh yes do and then post about them please...I cook vicariously through others, so you have to share!

  5. Mmmm, that flourless almond cake sounds divine. I will have to make it for my dad, who loves almonds and apricots. Yum!

  6. That bread pudding sounds heavenly, especially when described in french :-D I hope you do get round to trying it as I would love to see the end result.

  7. hi there, thanks for visiting my blog! your jewelry designs are beautiful. and this list of recipes sound absolutely delish, especially that first one!
