Wednesday, October 22, 2008

October Surprise

Friday afternoon we got lost in the Hudson Valley for 24 hours. The leaves were...absolutely spectacular. We've done this before, this great escape, barely 2 hours north of Brooklyn. And although we like to think of ourselves as pretty spontaneous, we end up in the same motel, our little escape, the one that hasn't changed since 1974 (wood paneling, pink tiled bathroom, although they'd taken away the coin-op bed), the Roosevelt Motor Inn.

And the next day, lucky us, we ended up at the Annual Sheep and Wool Festival, which Jim said was the best fair he'd ever been to. Crafts and sheep and food and demonstrations and the 4H and the best part? Running into good friends and their little daughter, Greta. They had the same idea, a little easy weekend trip to where it just feels a little more beautiful.


  1. This was a gift for me, just to look at it.... I can only imagine how it was for you & Jim! Beautiful!

  2. we love it there- and those are the best escapes...the crisp air, the folliage and pumpkins! i can feel the good times!!!!

    looks beautiful deb

  3. it may seem odd, but this post almost brought a tear to my eye. so beautiful, so full of life and joy. you whisked me away to such a wonderful place!

  4. oh I'm so glad! it was a lovely albeit quick retreat--we packed a lot of love into it i must me energy for this crazy work week...

  5. Fun! I would have loved the sheep/wool festival :) Great pics- thanks for sharing them!

  6. What a lovely photo essay!
    This is such a wonderful time of year. I suppose Feb is the only month that's quite awful.
    Do you think blogging makes us look more carefully at things?

  7. I love this Deb!!

    I love autumn in New York!!


  8. What a delight! I loved the images of all the sheep and their dred-lock wool!

    Greta is cute as a button!

  9. Beaaauuutiful photos! I love Sheep & Wool! My peeps in Vermont make gorgeous glass buttons that they sell at the festival.. makes me wanna knit & eat chevre.

  10. Looks like so much fun - LOVE fall!

  11. Hello,
    Thank you for the comment you left in my post about Sologne. You mentioned you loved mushrooms .. so visit my blog again, there is mushrooms aplenty!
    And there may be plenty too in the woods in the picture (but need some rain)

  12. you photos are wonderful, but my favs are definitely those last few playing in the leaves!

  13. these are pretty darn perfect...such a sweet little peanut....xxoo

  14. So gorgeous...I am always trying to talk the dh into trips like that. But if it doesn't involve footy, his internet, and a comfy couch, he is not interested. :(

  15. be-you-tea-ful!

    worlds away from Paris, but equally inviting!

    i love the last picture. i took the same kind of picture of my friend's daughter last Saturday on a walk for Nature Day 2008.
    (something i will be posting about soon).

  16. ah! absolutely beautiful...Fall is too beautiful...& your friend's little Greta is too precious! fantastic photos.

  17. What a wonderful weekend, I wish I could steal away like that. The leaves look wonderful and those woolen gnomes are mthe most charming things I've seen. I don't suppose you have any info on them?

  18. Oh, I'm jealous! You made it to Rhinebeck! I'll go one of these years, but thank you for posting the gorgeous photos for all of us to enjoy!

  19. Absolutely perfect! I am so going up north next Fall...I am in deep serious fall color withdrawal!! The pictures are fantastic and Greta is too adorable for words!!

  20. beautiful walk, l'automne est une saison magnifique!!

  21. Absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for this wonderful stream of visual candy :)

  22. great leafy peeping

    Love, Joie

  23. lovely! I would like to jump and play on those a child in other words! Please email me your home address. There is a little something that needs to make it your way...

  24. Greta is adorable. The phots were fun. Leaves are just starting to turn here and I love it! Looks like you had a marvelous time.

  25. those are some wooly sheep there. what a wonderful getaway...i dream of autumns that look like this and tell myself, one day...

  26. You're such a great photographer! Isn't fall an amazing time to get to the country? So glad you know how to take care of yourself.

  27. Absolutely gorgeous! Be-still-my-heart.

  28. i went clothes shopping today and alli could think about was how i wish it would get cold like it does in nyc--i want to need wool and big jackets and turtlenecks. i miss the hudson valley!
