Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Look Back and Bonbon's Acceptance Speech

available here

In all of my life I have never felt a moment like this. It really is, with certainty, a brand new day. After years of feeling disenfranchised, we finally have a very special, very human leader, who respects us back, who knows who we are and who has persevered like a hero. He's the role model of a lifetime for us all. Barack Obama inspires us. When he says Yes We Can, I actually believe him.
And the kids are going to get a puppy! It's like we're all getting puppies!!!

There was an incredible celebration in Brooklyn last night with people cheering in the streets (Brooklyn was 79% Obama). In between jumping up and down and hoorays and high fives, we all teared up as we experienced history. We rang in a new era with our friends and neighbors, a few glasses of champagne, and the kind of confidence in a leader and the American people I haven't known my entire adult life.

Now let's get out there, catch our breaths and forge ahead. We're going to need all the help we can get---I think if a president has the kind of support we're capable of giving, (and of course majority in the House and Senate doesn't hurt either) we're going to heal rapidly.
Happy New-ness everyone!


  1. I have never felt more excited by an election, by a political figure, a man who has hopes and dreams for all of us.

    January 20th can't come soon enough!

  2. Amen!!!! I am still dizzy & reeling from the wonder and joy of what happened last evening. I don't remember a time when I had such hope, such optimism & such a feeling of finally making a difference & being heard & connected with our government!

  3. i keep hearing everyone using the word 'proud' and it is so wonderful after these difficult years.

  4. i am so, so happy! finally...finally someone to believe in. it really is like we are all getting puppies.

  5. so beautifully said. I'm not american but I just had to live this the way I could, so at 5 am here I was watching on tv everyone happy saying that he did it and at 6 am I was drinking Obama's words with tears rolling down my face because he is so true.

    The world loves him and with him the new american dream is born.

  6. i've been crying, i've been laughing..Oh my..I will never forget this day !!

    I'm so happy for the people of America and the whole world is happy too !

  7. this is an amazing post. happy new-ness to you too, dear.

    p.s. i tagged you today!

  8. Pride, giddiness, hope--so many emotions! I finally voted in a positive way for a president, rather than for the lesser of two evils, and I have so much faith that we'll be able to rebuild our credibility overseas, bring our troops home, and tackle this financial crisis with a smart, competent leader. Hooray for US!

  9. Oh, the HAPINESS!!!

    And Im excited about the little ones' puppy, too. It was so cute when Obama mentioned it in his speech...

  10. you too my dear...sending a virtual hug your way...everytime I try to post or write about this I cry...happy tears...xxoo

  11. There was dancing in the street here in Madison too :) I've felt like I've been walking on air all day!

    I'm sending you heaps of love, my sister!

  12. It's a truly beautiful time, isn't it? And I think you hit the nail on the head. He's going to need lots of support, and no one can fix this mess overnight. But at least now we can all try.

  13. i completely and totally agree. for the first time in my adult life i think the US government might have hope and imagination for a new future. it's amazing, really.

  14. NY was definately the place to be, but for those of us, on the other side of the pond, tears of joy and champagne flowed in almost equal proportions...
    A change has finally come - a new dawn in US politics - and Good God does it feel good..!
    Beautiful post, as always - love your blog..:)

  15. beautiful words... i am not a citizen (just a green card holder) but for the first time ever, i felt goose bumps when i saw him speak and american flags up in the air. i felt part of it all and very hopeful that the rest of the world will also benefit from it al.

  16. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! I've never been more excited about our government. Tears of joy and a feeling that our government is still of the people, by the people and for (ALL) the people!

  17. It feels like a dream, to be graced with such greatness. I pinch myself.

  18. happy new-ness to you too! the world is a hopeful place today...

  19. i was ECSTATIC! i still am. all i've known well are clinton and bush presidencies, and the last 8 were just...i don't know. i felt america was lost. but now we have a renewed faith in our country, our leaders, ourselves. i'm so happy.

    lovely words!

  20. I'm jealous. I want Obama to buy me a puppy.

    ANYWAY it was awesome to be here at the U of A! A group of students ran down University Ave screaming when it was clear that Obama was the winner, picking up more people as they went until there was a huge crowd running down the street just screaming and yelling and jumping around. It was incredible!

    P.S. My word verification word is 'earman'

  21. Lovely, lovely words. Even days later, I'm still floating. I don't recognize this new feeling of hope and pride and have to adjust my whole being every once in awhile. Yes, a new day has arrived and we're ready!
