Friday, November 7, 2008

Everything is Illuminated...

These were Heidi's earrings that she said she had felt brought her luck
when she needed it.
She passed them on to me to bring
me some luck as well! So sweet!

This week has been incredible, overwhelming, sweet, exciting, transcendant, illuminating...I have been thinking so much about new beginnings and fresh starts.

Last night I met Heidi, blogger extraordinaire, for dinner. Having met via blogging, it was as if we could start in the middle since we knew a little something about each other already. It was interesting to see each other in a new way, to learn about the things our blogs leave out and we sat and shared a meal and talked like old friends for four hours! We laughed a lot and talked about many things, about the power (and addictive nature!) of the blog, about the wonderful connections we've made, about the incredible universes we see created by all of you who blog and what we may be able to give and share through our own blogs. We laughed a lot and celebrated many new beginnings. Heidi is just as warm in person, with that wonderful sense of humor and light and creativity of thought and "faboolosity" of spirit she expresses so sweetly in her daily musings...
Thanks Heidi, for always giving us something to look forward to...a little light and perspective on my everyday...

for heidi...


  1. This has been an amazing week. Those earrings are beautiful. Have a great weekend!

  2. This is so lovely and such a sweet tribute! I love all of your wonderful posts on this past glorious week. Just beautiful....

  3. What a delight :) It's heaven being able to meet fellow blogger friends. You're right, you get to start in the middle and skip the uncomfortable beginning part!

    Sending you love this weekend!


  4. she sounds lovely.

    (and what a beautiful shot of that tree—makes me feel better for some reason)

  5. That is so wonderful that you guys met and spent time together. This is a wonderful place to be is'nt it...
    love you both!

  6. i agree it is so nice to meet a blog friend in real life...yet very surreal.
    BTW: Gorgeous earrings

  7. The title of your post expresses the way I have been feeling too.

  8. Those are preeetttyy.

    I can't wait til I can have my own chance to meet my favorite bloggers. :)I hope it's as lovely as your meeting with Heidi.

  9. So much fun meeting other bloggers!

    I spoke on the phone to my blogging friend Chelsea for 4 hours last week. Four hours! I haven't spent that much time on the phone since I was 13!

  10. i just left a note for heidi too...
    it's so exciting and fun that two of my blogging friends met! how wonderful. (although i am a bit envious!) makes me smile.
    oh, and i love those earrings!~
