Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Our Little Soirée And Throngs of People Buying Local!!

What an incredible weekend! (I know it's Tuesday but wait.. it's Tuesday?...).
First Saturday's Soirée: Michelle from Hortensia Handmade and Tamika from Self+Therapy (see her with her bonbon in her hair?) brought all their fantastic goods, Ana from TeaSpot NYC dazzled us with her heavenly baked goods (she is one skilled baker people) and Breck from Sesame Letterpress, although she couldn't be there, let us sell her beautiful cards and calendars and even donated the sales of her coasters to the Food Bank!
How great that so many people came by to support us and kick off the season with so much cheer, family and friends, old and new. And how amazing to meet some lovely blogging friends who stopped by to say hi, Melissa, and Marichelle and Persephone! And how I wished some of you from all over the world could have been here too to toast with us and enjoy the day. It was really nice...
And then I packed it all up and took the show on the road the next day to the Gifted Holiday Market in Fort Greene (below)...it was so busy I didn't stop all day except to take notes on all the things I'll need to make more of for next week...or this week I mean: Saturday's Secret Santa Project (formerly Gift on Grand) and Sunday's Divine Studio Sale...(I'll be selling raffles there $5 a pop and you'll get to see the prize box in all it's boxed glory!) Hope to see you there! I need a nap.
awesome Obama cards, no?
by Moontree Letterpress
(available at Divine Sale on Sunday or Gifted on the 21st)


  1. Oh, you doll! You are just the sweetest, cutest thing ever Deb! It was SO much fun, truly a lovely, wonderful evening. Plus, I have been wearing my gorgeous earrings from you since then. You must be exhausted but, I am so happy for you that it went so well. It was my extreme pleasure to meet you and all of your wonderful friends. Thank you, thank you.
    ps those Obama cards are AWESOME. :)

  2. wow! you are an inspiration and an example.

  3. looks like a wonderful time deb! your glowing!

  4. Wow! Nice pix! Everyone looks so happy and for a good cause, too.

  5. Lookks like fun! Love the Obama cards...and of course Boln Bon Oiseau ;)

  6. I loved meeting you! What a wonderful collection of talented people and beautiful creations. I am thoroughly enjoying all of my goodies. How did I miss you in Fort Greene? BAH!

    Love the picture of me looking slightly demented from too much Recession Red during daylight hours.

  7. I love your beret !! this all looks wonderful and you all look so happy!

    Deb, sorry for the stupid question but is it too late to donate to the raffle ? I would have been happy to donate a pack of cards towards it.

    Have a super week !!

  8. everyone looks so happy and the events seem like they were great fun & successful! one weekend down, two to go!

  9. many many thanks again to you and jim. angel and i had a great time. hope to see you again soon - will definitely make it to the divine sale on sunday and maybe finally we can do dinner at snacky!

  10. it looks like SUCH fun! wish i could have been there!

  11. (after all the holiday craziness that is!)

  12. gah! i wish i could attend any one of these events...but i did send my dear friend that lives in nyc the info...maybe she could stop by and i could live vicariously through her...

  13. What an incredible event! I'm so envious of all of you who were able to go and participate :)

  14. I wish I would have been able to go! you are so talented. I want one of those hair pieces!!

  15. My goodness, it looks like it all went so well! I'm so pleased for you, and I'm wishing you a few minutes to catch your breath this week!

  16. this looks like the most amazing time...it's almost like I was there...almost...sigh...xo

  17. I just read your interview on Faboolosity and I think your blog (and you!) are faboo. :-) I just bought a raffle ticket. Amazing job on that! Best of luck.

    I'm sorry I missed this soiree...looks like good times had by all.

    - Laura

  18. Wow. Looks fantastic, what a beautiful thing. Go you!
