Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Secret Divine Weekend

this little cutie really inspired me to try making children's
blocks using my charms!

Lately I feel like a quasar hurtling through the space/time continuum: so much packed into each day that last weekend seems like last month, and by the time the lights go out I am up again. This past weekend was pretty wonderful and went on for light years...Saturday's pictures are above of the Secret Project Robot Santa Sale (a little artistic license with the name) organized by two of Williamsburg's finest entrepreneurs, Tamika of Self+Therapy and Erin of Sodafine. It was so wonderful and I met so many sweet especially Barbara of My Little Pictures and Kim of The Wild Unknown...(I bought some of their artwork-stay tuned for a peek...)

On Sunday, pictures below, was the always lovely light-filled Divine Studio Sale, so called because it is held annually in the light-filled Divine Photo Studio on Lafayette Street in NYC. Always high-energy and filled with amazing designers and artists. This year I was so happy to meet Lotta of Lotta Jansdotter who's work I've admired for so long and the very lovely Angie of A.S.I.S. Knits and so many of the talented craftspeople and who make up Martha Stewart's Craft Department.

I love these wooden rings by my pal Paige!
(for more info write to her at thatgirlpaige at yahoo dot com)

It was the never-ending-gobstopper of weekends but so invigorating to be around so much talent and to see old friends and make new ones, and of course to meet all the wonderful people who come out to support all of us...that said, only one more holiday sale left next Sunday right here. Are you coming?

Remember to remind your honeys that Wednesday is the last day to get your holiday orders in via Priority Mail! The raffle only has 5 days left! Go here to enter and please pass it on, put the button on your blog and let's reach our goal of $2000...we're doing so well--thank you everyone for your help!


  1. i'm always still so impressed at the bizness you've built for yourself....good for you! happy holidays, i WISH i could come to one of these fabulous events!

  2. I need to find some events like this in my area...

  3. it was very nice to meet you at divine. i'm looking forward to receiving my very own bonbon this weekend!

    xo, c

    ps i forgot to mention that i have very thin wrists and my perfect bracelet is usually about 6.5" long. not sure if that matters.

  4. I so wish I could pop around to one of these fabulous events..!
    Thanks for sharing..:)

  5. You must be EXHAUSTED! This time of year is crazybusy. I love the pictures you posted - they really give a sense of the energy in the room.

    I am really impressed that you used the word "quasar" in a post. I'm going to have to try that.

  6. Wow - looks busy and like lots of fun! Now time to get some rest!

  7. days are just ZOOMING by! can't believe 2008 is nearly over... but at least it looks like you're having a good time!

  8. looks so great...what an amazing weekend!!

  9. i love the wood rings! looks like a great event!

  10. Wow! Even these photos are making me drool with envy! I can't imagine what it was like being there, surrounded by so many beautiful and inspiration things and people! Thank you so much for sharing!
