Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Notes from a Photo Session and a Workflow

My incredible husband and the stunning Tamika have given me a lot of work to do...Just a smattering from Sunday's shoot for the Fall Collection and my first edits--We worked in the Camellia House at the arboretum on Long Island, one of my favorite places...Tamika was such a joy to work with and I think Jim captured her beauty and the still winter light so beautifully.

Now comes the rest: I am completely self-taught when it comes to photo-editing (yes, I do all that stuff!) and I'm not sure I ever know what I'm doing...trying out Adobe Lightroom (does anyone use it?) and trying to get into a workflow that makes sense. I can't take my eyes off some of these and the raw files are incredible but I've already lost a lot turning them in jpgs...anyway, enough tech talk (I just think I'm so cool talkin' the talk like that...and we have a 'still' shooting session on Friday...(more opportunities to talk cool).

I think I better come back to these after a few hours to make the tough decisions: what becomes the postcard, what goes into the lookbooks, what becomes a poster, what should I trash, what did I trash that is probably the money shot (can I say that here?) etc etc....?
Any votes for a favorite? How do you manage your workflow?
Photography: Jim Knudsen
Model: Tamika
Styling: Me
Make-up: Vanessa Kinzer and Me


  1. you all make such a wonderful team! except for the couple with the knit hat, they all feel light and fresh and ready for the rebirth of spring. i'd never know these photos were taken in the midst of winter.

    jim's photos highlight your beautiful jewelry in such delicate manner - the soft light. and, i love tamika's short blond hair.

    i'm glad i don't have to choose! i usually organize photos by item and then how they're framed, whether it's more of a styled shot or one that shows more detail. to us, any pics you choose will be wonderful.

    have fun!

  2. um- wow! I love the photos, the colors, your work, the model- the whole shoot looks fantastic! Great job!!!

    My personal favorite is the profile shot with the model looking up and the side necklace. (13th photo)
    It would make a fantastic postcard or poster. The others are wonderful, but that one stands out the most to me.

  3. how beautiful! i am in love with 1, 3 and number four is my favorite!!!!

  4. I love to many to decide!!!!!
    So far.....3, 13 & 14

  5. thanks everyone--jim is so happy you guys like them...

  6. Fabulous shots. I love the softness of the neutrals.

  7. I sent you an email with the photos I liked the best.


  8. oh deb... so beautiful... hard to choose but after looking at them several times, my favorites are 1,4,10 and 13. but I think my heart melts when i see the first one. It looks angelic and I think it suits the fall/winter mood.

    Regarding the workflow, I wish I could help you. I'm still figuring it out. I need some serious editing lessons.

    And your make up is once again flawless. If we do meet this spring, will you teach me how to do it? Amazing!


  9. Just like them? I ADORE them! I am all over them...looking at them over and over again. Ok, what's first? I think i like all of them...and wait you did the styling? Not only are you an incredible designer but wait, it gets even better. Deb, you make me smile, hon...just looking at these beauties. And that honey of yours, what a treasure!!!Keep it up sweets!

  10. I was so excited i forgot to tell you about the program i use. i use, a Mrs. French's recommendation. You should try it! I am very bad at organizing my picture...rarely back them up (drives my hubs nuts). I would back all of them up, don't trash any of them you never know you might need to revisit some of them later...especially such great photos. Save the ones you chose in like 5 CD's than well you know the rest....xo V

  11. you can say whatever you want here:) money shots included. lol
    My favorite is the one with just her lips and neck where you can see the earrings and the necklace...for the postcard. but honestly, I'm completely over-stimulated right now with all these beautiful images of your creations. sigh. the light is divine.

    How do I manage my workflow? Not that well...I have to get organized.

  12. I love all of these. VERY inspiring.

  13. just fabulous1 i can't believe you are working on your fall collection already! where is time going?!!?

  14. i love the close to the neck green necklace, so wonderful, and the hanging loops necklace, and the headband...wonderful work!

  15. thanks everyone for your input and kind comments!! and also for your tips on workflow--i found a blog that talks about it in human terms and will post it soon!

  16. Craazy beautifulness!! My faaav picture is the one of tamika in her cream sweater, looking and holding green and red necklaces. Pray tell what is that fabulous flouncy black thing around her neck? It's fab!

  17. Where do I begin? Jim's beautiful photography? Sweet, sweet Tamika's gorgousness in the photo's? Or your new line which is killing me softly......I LOVE everything and cannot wait to see them in person someday. wow. I am just so impressed and so happy for you my dear!

  18. What great photos, Deb! They're all so exquisite. I love her new do :)

    Organization is tricky, often times an after thought. It's hard when there are so many photos to keep organized. I like piles or folders. Folders and folders :) And then burned disks to keep your computer free and easy!

    Best of luck darling!


  19. Wow! Gorgeous! I don't envy you having to edit these photos. Such hard decisions. I'm super organized and sometimes it gets in the way of creativity. So, my advice is to beware of over doing the organization thing.

    If I had to pick, I really like the 10th photo from the top (sparkle whiteearneck). You see your beautiful Tamika and your lovely creation

  20. so fantastic...I have been dying to see these...I can't imagine how exciting it is to see it all come must be beaming with pride my dear...xo t

  21. beautiful! lovely, feminine and ethereal and a little somethin else. i've been waiting for these...and you can absolutely say what you it makes me laugh a lot when you do <3

  22. Amazing - the photos are so wonderful and really show off your pieces.

  23. first off, i LOVE the new model. i really liked the other model, too, and they're both so unclassically beautiful. so unique! the photos i really like are: up near the top, in the cream sweater and black hat; the one with the hood and black jacket, looking off to the side; and the one of her lips glistening, close up of the jewels. thats just me tho!
