Tuesday, January 27, 2009

News from Urburbia...

Bonbon for Urban Outfitters...
front and back of hang-tag

one of the necklaces called "Little Moon"--it sort of fits in with the theme
of our Spring Collection as well which will be posted very shortly!

So while I edit photos from Sunday's shoot and get ready to post our own Bonbon Oiseau Spring Collection this week I have news I can't hold back any longer: It's a little surprise I've been keeping under wraps for a few months while we worked out the details but:
Bonbon Oiseau did a very special collaboration this season--ahem... I designed a Bonbon collection especially for Urban Outfitters Spring Season called "Oiselette"! It will be introduced this March in Urban Outfitters stores across the U.S. as well as on-line!

We just received the first samples last week and they look almost like the real thing which I'm pretty excited about...wooohooo!? Do you know how hard it was not to tell you guys all these months? VERY VERY HARD!

ooohhh! and I'm even more excited that it will be out in stores at the same time as Mrs. French's Urban collaboration!!! How cool is that?


  1. CONGRATULATIONS! you must be over the moon with pride and joy, deb. looking forward to seeing it in the store.

  2. HURRAY! That's so wonderful. Great news. xoxo, P.

  3. my, my, lady. that is very exciting news indeed!!
    congratulations, deb!

  4. EXCELLENT news!

    So excited for you...congrats!

  5. right ON, dude! congrats! thats awesome! and, as you can imagine, i love the hangtags, too!

  6. OMG!!!! That is AWESOME! I think Mrs. French is collaborating with them too, if I'm not mistaken. Whoohoooo!

  7. i love that necklace! my daughter's name is Lola Moon :)

  8. Wow! Congratulations. And so thrilling that the final product is as nice as you hoped, too. I wish there was an UO around here to scope them out at.

  9. well done, you! can't wait for those spring pics. loving your work as always. cheers!

  10. congratulations! what fantastic news. congrats, congrats!

  11. that is so so so fantastic deb!!! that is going to be great exposure. i can't wait to walk into UO and see a bonbon oiseau tag. congratulations!

  12. dudes, i quite like the tag! good work!!

  13. oh my goodness! congratulationest of congratulations!!!! i re-posted this on my blog to get the word out. woohoo!


    bravo deb c'est magnifiques!!!!! ia m so excited for you!!!!!! and bonbon!!!

  15. This is sooooooooo
    exciting !
    Well done.
    This is such a well known store.

  16. wow deb! this is awesome for you! i don't think there are enough exclamation! points in the world! i hope to see your goods in one of the many UO catalogs that arrive in my mailbox!


  17. That is huge, congratulations! I can't wait to see them in the stores!


  18. WOW WOW WOW - that is truly amazing! I can't wait to see all you designed. What an amazing accomplishment - congrats!

  19. weeee!!! I can't wait to check you out at Urban. But, hopefully we can go out for our photo shoot before that...once the cold eases up:)

  20. Can't wait to see more of your beautiful collections - congratulations on your new range, it looks divine, xv.

  21. OH. MY. GOD! This is so exciting, Deb! I was just in Urban yesterday getting some birthday gifts for Paul and my cousin and it is like crack in there...so many goodies. I am so excited for you, chica! I knew about Frenchie, too, and just can't get over how fantastic all of this is. Couldn't happen to two better people:)

    Let me know when it's in stores and I will support.

  22. Yaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy! it has been hard to keep this quiet...I can't think of anyone I would rather share this amazing journey with...if we can't hang out together it's nice to know our little creations can...makes me feel all warm and fuzzy...xo t

  23. WOW! Congtratulations, what a fantastic opportunity. It's nice to know big corporate retail is still looking for originality.
