Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sophie's Big Adventure

Continued notes from the holidays: The day after Christmas, our niece Sophie slept over and we had a pretty big time. We took subways and busses and walked all over, poking our heads in here and there. We tried to go ice skating but the line was too long and it was so cold, so we went to the movies instead (and sat in the front row which was pretty exciting) and then down to Chinatown to eat noodles, then to little Italy for dessert, we played mad-libs all night and then the next morning we painted pictures about our big New York Adventure...


  1. Not only does Sophie have an extremely cool aunt and uncle, she also has a wicked cool hat.

  2. What an adventurous day! I am completely envious!

  3. How is adorbs is that child?! I want to come over to your house and play Mad Libs and paint pictures of my day.

  4. How wonderful!!! what an adventure and a delight.. look at all those paintings. She is adorable perhaps this summer she can meet Elle!

  5. This looks like the perfect adventure ... I bet she will remember it always!

  6. This just reminds me that it's about time to go on an big city adventure with my kids... ;)
    You have a lovely niece, by the way...

  7. What a delightful Auntie you are! Love that bobble hat all over town... you're making those lifetime memories.

  8. you are post-happy these days!

    how adorable is sohpie? pretty, darn aorable! i love the noodle paintings, kid-art is the best. i remember visiting my aunt when i was little and puff painting the heck out of white t-shirts. fun, fun (and memorable) times.

  9. Sophie is adorable! & you are such a fantastic aunt! looks like you had a beautiful day.

  10. Awww looks like she had an amazing time - I know I would!

  11. What an awesome auntie you are!!!! She will remember this always.... xoh

  12. how sweet! I am sure Sophie loves coming over...

  13. What a fabulous day, I want to come too next time!

  14. What a day! Really, any day would be an adventure with that hat, I suspect :)

  15. she's adorable...what a big day! you captured it perfectly! xo t

  16. You are the coolest auntie ever!!
    Sophie is adorable and what a great adventure!

  17. so freakin rad. i remember those days with kaari's little sofia in nyc... you took me back again! thank you!
