Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Drawing Board: Fall/Winter 2009

my inspirations boards for Fall Winter '09

Hungary, 1931, a picture I love from National Geographic

Am stealing a break from my self-imposed Super Intense Design Week: Fall Winter 09/10. E-mail's been turned off, phones go to machine...We're doing something we haven't really attempted before so I'm excited, nervous, stressed out, overjoyed, all those photo-shoot is coming up next weekend and there are many miles to go before I sleep. Some seasons are just like that--they take longer to come up with because I'm pushing my limits I guess. It's different than what I've done before and that can be tricky.

Pakkenen, Merimekko

New Year's Day Sunset

I've had a lot of thoughts about this collection before it's come to fruition: I was thinking about being lost in rows of trees like ruffles, of the winter sun shining through the bare treetops marking twinkling spots of light on the ground, of light snow falling on the tips of little branches, of little surprises like bright red berries and icy flowers found by careful examination... I wanted to design a collection that is graceful and down-to-earth but glamourous for a year that I'm happy about and excited for but also a little afraid of...I'm trying to imbue each piece with a wish of good luck and good hopes.

I can't wait to show you some of these things....
And a Note of Thanks: I took inspiration from a lot of places, from the antique beads found at my favorite vendor in Paris, and then from collecting images from my few of my favorite blogs and photographers. I wanted to send thanks to the incredible images from This is Glamorous and the beautiful Mrs. French of Bliss for always giving me incredible things to look at and find and think about, wonderful Julia from Red Otter Shop (who added my Self-Portrait last week as part of her on-going series--I just realized I forgot to tell you about it in my busy-ness...please take a look!), sweet Nichole from Little Brown Pen (who always has something ethereal to share--she just moved to Paris, lucky girl!) and always Nadia of Le Porte Rouge and Aran of the delicious Cannelle-Vanille who always always inspire me in big and little ways, so much so I don't know what to do with it all sometimes--I am putting it into my work I hope....
Thanks as well to all of you who always give me confidence with your feedback and warmth and friendship and wonderful blogs that offer hours of perusing and insight and inspiration. You are my drawing board!
(Wow, this is like my award acceptance moment except I haven't won anything...)


  1. I absolutely adore that photo from National Geographic.

    Cannot wait to see where all this wonderful inspiration takes you!

  2. really love the petticoat photo and all of yours. looking forward to the next phase.

  3. Oh my dear, I can't wait to see what gorgeous creations you come up with. These photographs are wonderfully tantalizing...

    I think 2009 is going to be an exciting, beautiful year.

  4. I love the way you described your feelings about this year...I have this over-arching fear but at the same time I'm excited about it. I'm staying positive at a time when it does not seem possible.

    I love your inspiration board. Thank you so much for sharing that. I'm getting my office space in order and have a folder full of these things. One thing in particular is an image of one of the many lovely hair pieces that you've shared with us here. I simply adore them. The ones with the feathers especially.

    Good luck this year! I know it will be fabulous.

  5. Love love love! Looks like it's going to be an amazing collection!

  6. Darling, you are such an inspiration to me! I come to your blog for refreshment and beauty! These images of your beads remind me so much of heaps of candy! I love your inspiration boards as well :)

  7. goodness me! i am quite bowled over by those pops of green.

  8. Looking at these images of beads makes me so anxious to see images of what you create. Your work is magical, Deb! Thank you for inspiring us all!

  9. Oh wow! Can't wait to see the results of the intense sessions. And of course, can't wait to meet up in a few weeks.

    Hurry, dear ... the weather is fantastic.

    Sending inspiring vibes your way.

  10. thanks...i just reread what i worote and I have no idea what iw as saying---i may have gone into a trance...i'm a little overworked...again...

  11. i am's romantic and real (if that makes any sense...) i love it.

  12. How promising this looks. I am sure the collection will be fantastic. Thank you for sharing your inspirations and thoughts. By doing so, you enkindle the rest of us.

  13. Your photos are exquisite! And I absolutely adore that old National Geographic photo. Wow! I'm inspired by this post!

  14. Lovely inspiration-sexy, and very sweet post. You are such a dear heart.

  15. Oh wow sounds amazing - can't wait to see! Your inspiration is also quite lovely. Happy weekend!

  16. i love your inspiration boards! espech those purdy underpants!

    you can get that marimekko print (in tea towels plastic trays, pillows) at the scandinavian grace on N9th off of bedford!

  17. how wonderful deb! you inspired us everyday with your craft and your generosity. thank you for your words. they mean the world to me.

  18. our inspirations are the same...beautiful...I can't wait to see the new collection...xo t

  19. My life has truly been enriched first by visting your blog, then we exchanged a few lines and friendship emerged you inspire me deb in so many ways.

    thank you for your kind and loveliness!! Big hug!!

  20. Such a lovely post! Am completely delighted to be included in your acceptance speech :) Thanks so much!


  21. Your drawing boards are AMAZING! So much beautiful inspiration here.
