Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wednesday is for Wow

Sasha and the soon to be famous thumbs up picture, in those beautiful corals (J.Crew)
Susan Walsh/Associated Press

Wow that yesterday was such a heartwarming start to a new era. Wow that we have witnessed an incredible moment in American history...Wow that to feel proud to be American...Wow. Was hard to work yesterday with such excitement in the air, but alas we worked and watched!
I was so impressed by President Obama's inaugural address, his capacity to think so big and his ability to deliver a very sobering speech in such an inspirational way. Was particularly struck by this part:
"We remain a young nation, but in the words of Scripture, the time has come to set aside childish things. The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to choose our better history; to carry forward that precious gift, that noble idea, passed on from generation to generation: the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness."

What did you think---did any part of his speech strike a chord with you?


  1. Ah yes......couldn't have said it
    It brought tears to my eyes again rereading that part of his speech. That was my favorite part too....
    SO much hope.....
    Also, my dear I want to say how much I enjoyed Jim's
    "other half" interview over on Hearthandmade and how absolutely in LOVE I am with the glimpses of your new line! Please let me know when they are going to be available! swoon swoon

  2. Such a momentous day. And I agree, that photo of Sasha will be famous. What a cutie!

    The entire speech was moving: strong, sober, forceful, can he get it so right each time?

  3. i love the photo, sasha has spunk. i think it was a wonderful speech, very sobering. i also liked when he spoke about taking responsibility for ourselves.

  4. very inspiring. i loved the part you quoted as well...lets hope as a people we can do it! I believe we can.

  5. woo! choose our better history... i can't even describe how that resounded for me.

  6. I love that the theme of his speech was unity and that our country really is a patchwork, diverse, yet one.

    I saw this photo of Sasha on TV yesterday and absolutely loved it!

  7. Yesterday was such an exciting day - not much else got done but listening, watching, and occasionally tearing up.

  8. I, too, loved Jim's "other half" interview and may I say that I love your spot-on analogy of Obama's speech. You perfectly articulated my "take away" from his inaugural address. WOW indeed...I'm still in awe over yesterday's events! xo ~Suzanne

  9. "starting today we must pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off." "we are a nation of Christians and Jews, Hindus and Muslims and nonbelievers." so much. I have never felt so inspired by a person. Is the feeling not palpable here in NY?

    I love that photo of Sasha. She is just the sweetest.

  10. Such a fantastic, amazing, awesome, wonderful, WOW day.

  11. The part where I lost feeling in my toes (I was there...Brrr! ;-) But there's no place in the world I'd rather have been that day.).

    The excerpt you printed was so spot-on. And when he said, "...choose our better history" I got goosebumps.
