Wednesday, January 21, 2009

And More Bon Things...

Heart Handmade interviewed Jim!

Vana's Self-Portrait--Bonbon on the bust! How pretty!

We're having quite a run in the last week and a half..first thank you to the lovely Vana of Le Papier Studio for posting a picture of her bonbon in her self-portrait on Julia's beautiful blog, Red Otter Shop last week...I was so touched! And to Mrs. French of Bliss, who hearted this Bonbon on Monday. Now that is an honor! (Read her tea & talk interview on one of my other favorite blogs, Melissa Loves...)And the biggest honor comes from my hubby via the sweet Marichelle of Heart Handmade...she's been running a great series called "The Other Half" and interviewed none-other than my awesome man Jim! You've got to read what he wrote and take a look at some of his gorgeous photos...I kind of welled up a little I must say. He really is the best half...(who'll be working his butt off Sunday at our next photo-shoot...are you reading this honey?)


  1. what a sweet sweet interview! You two are such a darling couple! Love it!

  2. I loved reading the interview - what a sweet guy!

  3. Aww....thank you SO much Deb! You are just a sweetheart! Don't you kind of want to bring some of your new line to "P's" so we can all see? hmm? pretty please? :) Have a wonderful time at your photo shoot this weekend! :)

  4. jim is a great guy and very creative and accomplished in his own right

  5. ^^ Jim, did you write that??? heeheehee!

    Congrats to you both!

  6. I just read the interview with Jim - WHAT A GOOD BOY! I love it. You guys are a wonderful pair.

  7. Deb! wow, i've missed your blog ;)
    your stuff should be hearted every week - it is very love-able!

  8. It was great getting to hear from Jim! I love the idea of the other half series... -xoh

  9. I loved Jim's interview! And what a good looking couple the two of you make! Wow!

  10. You are such a sweetie Deb. So so sweet.

  11. You deserve all the virtual love you get my dear...oh and of course, so does Jim...and in the midst of all of this you take the time to share a bit of your own...that's my kind of gal...xo t

  12. Congrats on all the exsposure - you deserve it!

  13. Sixth random thing:

    you know who :)

  14. what a great interview! he sounds so proud of you and so aware of your work and creativeness. It's really sweet.

  15. wow lots of features, congratulations! And thanks for leaving a kind comment on my blog
    : )

  16. what a great interview! handsome man too deb... lucky lady you are! :)

    I loved how he picked his favorites too!

  17. What a great interview! I am catching up on your posts and I love love love everything that is coming up! 2009 is going to be a great year for you!

  18. what a fantastic interview with your hubby! how sweet & supportive he is of you & your beautiful work :o)

  19. I just read the interview and now I'm tearing up a bit. :-) So great that you've found the perfect life, love and art.

  20. so happy you're getting all this recognition that you deserve! I love your creations. Let's get to scheduling our photo day out! We should coordinate and ask Miss Amy from montague too...
