Monday, February 16, 2009

monday dose of Inspiration: Lobster & Swan

I think I want to join the ranks of giving you (and me) something to look forward to on a weekly basis. What better day than Monday: blah, back to the whole week ahead Monday? Soooo... I'll post each Monday about a blog or site or something out there beyond all of us, that so thoroughly inspires it might make Monday seem like a day to look forward to and maybe even brighten the whole week? Here is my first installation of my new self-proclaimed monday dose. And then there was...

all photos by/from Lobster & Swan

I am always late to the party. Maybe this awe-inspiring blog isn't news: I depend so much on you to introduce me to new things and new places to go on this here interwebs, but sometimes things just get past me. This morning while tossing about avoiding all responsibility, I finally visited Lobster & Swan, which I had heard of and passed in comment-land but never actually visited (bad me). Now I've just spent over an hour perusing her beautiful photos and installations and artistic ways of doing just about everything...I am so inspired by her aesthetic and now, while I'm thinking of fresh display ideas for my stand in Paris (like Custer's Last), she has put my mind at ease with just how simple beauty can be strung along...merci, L & S for inspiring my first monday dose!


  1. So excited that you are of to Maroc.
    Email me and perhaps we can have a chat before you go.
    All best

  2. these are lovely. thanks for sharing!

  3. What fun, yes. And have I told you I've started an inspiration wall in my kitchen for the novel? I thought it might help jump start some larger stints of writing. Back from AWP, pumped full of poems. Missed our morning meet and great though. Soon..

  4. I'm loving those images. I had never heard of Lobster and Swan before and now it's everywhere. This goes to show you that talent has a way of spreading like fire. (but in a good way.)

  5. great post, and thanks for the intro...
    such lovely images, off to see her site.

  6. perfect! i always say 'monday is the saddest day of the week' (and people stare back blankly) now, i won't have to say that anymore.

    ...and ps, sean always says interwebs and that made me smile.

  7. oh my, these photos are sooo lovely. i came across lobster & swan at some point in my web travels, but i'm so glad you took me back! (and i applaud you for your monday inspirings. though your blog is always inspiring, if i do say so myself! happy week to you...)

  8. What a lovely site !
    I love it !

  9. I adore Jeska and what a beautiful tribute to are a doll and I can absolutely see how the two of you would inspire each other.

  10. Lobster and Swan rocks. Always good for a creative jolt!

  11. it is the loveliest place on earth!

  12. Thank you for such lovely words about my blog, I am looking forward to where you take us next on your Monday travels.
    I look forward to Thursdays at the moment everyone seems to be a bit more cheerful by then!

    Have fun in Marrakech I would so love to go there.

  13. that dining room picture is simply fantastic!!!!

  14. I love this place of yours and also too this new to me Lobster & Swan delicacy. Thank you much for both!!

  15. holy sheet.
    you've just brightened up my entire soul with these shots and this new introduction. away i go...

  16. lovely inspiration indeed. I look forward to more in your new series.
