Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Notes from the Camellia House

A few pictures I took the day before our shoot in the Camellia House at the arboretum. We were some of the only ones there that day. I loved how quiet it was. I haven't taken many pictures lately.


  1. Holy Psychic Friends Network! Did we just post pictures of camellias at the same time?!

  2. holy crap yes we did...get out of my mind...or stay if you want...there's plenty of room.

  3. ahh camellias! they are just so majestic, one of my favorites...

  4. so pretty, especially the pale pink camellia. it is nice when there are few people, kind of like your own estate. i'm dying to go there. maybe, when you go to paris, so you don't miss a thing ;)?

  5. i imagine this was all even BETTER in person. any house that keeps a name... you know its gotta be good.

  6. these are beautiful

  7. Loverly! Have I ever mentioned that visiting your blog is like a mini-vacation? ~smile~ I need a fashion coach/stylist . . . . wanna swap coaching hours?!
