Monday, February 9, 2009

News that's fit to have no Punctation and We have a Weener!

 le papillon en rouge, from the new Spring 2009 Collection 
taken by amy sahba...and about to be given away to...

What a long and lovely weekend spent at the Brooklyn Flea's Winter Pop-Up Market (like a street festival...people pouring into the streets of Dumbo)---it was just fantabulous . The only mishap was my sweet neighbor of McClure's Pickles splashing pickle juice all over me and my bonbons when he was rushing to put his samples out--pickle juice works out a nice green patina on brass money clips in case anyone's wondering (or wants a green one)...I did get a jar of the spicy pickles out of that one and man, they are rockin!

Thanks to all you pretty people for coming to see me there over le weekend! Alexis (who just created a fan site for Bonbon Oiseau on Facebook--it has one whole fan now...) and Amy and then Marichelle and Melissa who waited for me to pack up and whisked me away to P's of the always inspiring What Possessed Me where a warm and welcoming (and BEAUTIFUL) apartment awaited us with amazing food--P' not only makes me laugh and laugh, she also knows Manchego and Membrillo make beautiful music (in a mouth) together and even served dessert wine--(will you marry me P?)I got to meet (and actually relax and hang with) some fantastic smart and funny NY blogger babes who I only know from blogland---Sarah from Saipua, whose flowers always seem to get top billing on my inspiration boards because they are so flippin' gorgeous, Susy of Susy*Jack, designer of incredible papery goods and lovely Molly, an interior designer who's blog Designer's Brew has me imagining a much much better space. And of course sweet sweet Melissa of Melissa Loves who is so supportive of us designers out here we must not forget she is a fantastic designer herself and Marichelle, the sweetiest sweetie pie who unearths the truth about the business of making stuff every day on Heart Handmade...It was a blogger boondoggle extraordinaire--we laughed a lot and had a grand old time (and the poulty smoothies were a big hit)...thanks SO much again P., for putting together such a great group of people.

OK, so sure I drank a lot of wine and had a great time there. And sure I left first to get home to bed early, and of course sure, I forgot the keys when I left at 9 am that morning, and of course Jim was out with his friends in an underground bar where I couldn't reach him...sure, my landlord's were out of town and well, sure, of course I waited on the stoop, reeking of pickles, until I saw my neighbor's lights and I rang the bell...when Rachel, greatest American hero came home, her initial idea to scale down the fire escape into the backyard to break into the back door was met with anguish--even fear. Finally she, with one too many in her and a fearless heart, said, "hey the landlord's nephew might be here--he's staying in their basement apartment!" (why didn't I know about this?). She proceeded to pound on the door and we were able to get in with an extra key through the back door. Thank god we have one. But why was a 21 year old kid sleeping at 1:45 am and the rest of us old drunks were out partaying? Is the operative word there, drunks?
And to bed at 2 a.m. up again and back to the Dumbo market...
It was a good, and even exciting weekend. A weekend I can laugh at today, with tea bags atop my under eye bags. I've been recovering today and am a little late choosing the winner of the bonbon giveaway.

But really now, what you really want to know is who won that Butterfly necklace up without anymore storytelling, here is the winner of our Spring is Coming Giveaway: (With Jim watching for a good honest raffle -it's become his job even if the pay is bad--he is joking I need to give away a sausage next)... I am now typing names into the random name generator) and the weeener winner is Aran of Canelle Vanille. I feel like I won, she is such a wonderful blogging friend...That is so cool! Aran! You won! 

Thanks to you all who entered and left such supportive comments (that made me smile from ear to ear) and even mentioned it on your own bogs--I promise to do more giveaways in the future...i want everyone to be decked out in a bonbon someday...xoxome


  1. I'm glad you made your appearance at dinner BEFORE the Great Pickle Explosion of 2009 :) Wonderful to see you, as always. Much love, P.

  2. OMG Deb, I won??!! I won, I won, I won!! Wow... I am so excited. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  3. I had to come back and look at it again. It's so beautiful... I can't wait to wear it!

  4. Congrats to Aran! I love the way you can drag something out Deb!

    Actually, a green patina might look really cool on those clips. I would not be happy smelling like a pickle however.

    How fun to meet up with other bloggers...must check out those links...

    Glad you finally got in to your place!

    Whew! That was a long comment from me...trying to keep up!

  5. Oh gosh. Pickle Juice...the *ultimate* 'come hither' fragrance, and, from what it sounds like...patina inducer.

    It was such a pleasure meeting you, and I am relieved to know I'm not the only ol' boozy boozehound out there...I spent Sunday in a fog and took 3 naps.

    I can't wait to hear about all the future goings on with you, and with bonbon.

  6. congrats aran!

    those pickles were the bees knees, seriously. crunchy and sour and spicy - planning to make ribs and potato salad to go with them this weekend. woooo!

  7. Congrats Aran! You lucky girl!

  8. Wohooo Congrats Aran! You are one lucky lady!

  9. Oh, you are such a sweetheart Deb, thank you so much for that incredibly kind mention. I really appreciate that. It was SO wonderful to spend time with you again and visit your gorgeous booth! (I feel fabu just hanging around your creations!) YAY! Aran won! YAY!

  10. congratulations to the lucky winner! I'm heading over to FB to officially become a fan...well, on FB;-)

  11. You always make the most delicate, beautiful things... Lovely! My congrats to the lucky winner! :)

  12. hi Deb! It was great to see you again, although next time I'm not sure I can hang out in front of your booth for more than 10 minutes, the temptation is just way too freakin' powerful and my willpower is just too darn meek to fight it.
