Friday, August 7, 2009

I'm off like a...

and ready to explore the great American West with no particular itinerary, leaving renovations and wordly stuff behind, bringing sleeping bags, tack and something called a "steri-pen".

That means am leaving Bonbon to her own devices and closing shop for two weeks. But I promise I'll contact you from the road. I'll check for ticks. I'll eat some baked beans over an open campfire.

Goodbye chickadees...but please come back tomorrow and every day after that, because until the 21st (!) there'll be a new surprise left here by some fabulous (and I mean fabulous) people just for you. I hate long ya later lovelies...


  1. Here's to living it up in the outbacks of the West!


  2. enjoy each and every second of it...I miss it...xo t

  3. wishing you a very lovely trip! i don't know why on earth your posts have not been appearing in my reader, but it's been so soothing to catch up with all of them in one go, now that i'm finally settling! hope you're breathing in lots of fresh, fresh air. happy travels, friend!
