Thursday, August 6, 2009

Nightwood: What if I had a bunch of it

A little bird from the Brooklyn Flea (Vanessa will be there holding down the Bonbon fort on Saturday while I'm off figuring out how to be a cowgirl) sent me to nightwood. Apparently they sell at the flea most Saturdays...would love a little smattering here and there for storage in the studio- and I'll need some of those pillows too please.

Love that these ladies create their furniture by hand from reclaimed wood and reposition it in old furniture bones. Perfect for our vintage French Mediterranean moss garden terrarium rhododendren forest wonderful by the sea and a little house on the prairie general store and maybe a little Pastis at six on a Paris street aesthetic I'm looking for...


  1. love it. so raw and beautiful :)

  2. groovy stuff they make!
    nightwood, morningwood, it's all wood in the end, isn't it?

  3. very raw, beautiful and makes one smile at the warmth. and those pillows, :)

  4. this stuff is amazing!! must go to the flea and check them out...

  5. I can't get over this collection. I absolutely LOVE those pillows.

  6. Oiy, that dresser in the top photo is absolutely fabulous. brilliant! love.

  7. I love, LOVE this all so very much! And I love how you describe your aesthetic hun....can I borrow that aesthetic too? Cause it sounds right up my alley!

  8. i saw it too, but i'm so sorry i never saw YOU at the flea!

  9. I looooove reclaimed wood furniture. I have a pile of it, the wood, I mean, out back, AND I found a couple of good tutorials. Now let's see if I actually get my act in gear and make it! :p

  10. nightwood's designing a desk for me right now! (they do custom furniture if they don't have something in stock that you want.) their studio is gorgeous. I just love their patchwork style of working with reclaimed wood.
