Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday Dose of I: Sunday Suppers

photos by Karen Mordechai

Last week was a long week that turned into a longer weekend from Thursday night on: a bad cold that had me out flat. I was full of thera-flu and up for nothing except back to back movies.
Watched: Adventureland (loved it partially because it was based on the Adventureland in my hometown)
documentary about teaching apes to talk (yessss), Paperclips (see this), Away We Go (totally hit the spot), Apocolypse Now redux (perfect for when the theraflu kicked in) , The Visitor (je recommend), Annie (Yes that Annie and don't was a formative film for me), Mad Max (these two were back to back--it just sort of happened, another formative film..I know, I know). Plus old episodes of 30 Rock, Bored to Death, Larry David, and old Project Runway (in which I decided not to go there--too fierce), The Orange Housewives in which I decided life can be cruel, and I'm sure there was more. Don't remember. Foggy. Napped through some of it.

Missed: A day of work, Dinner with Jen, Going to see Where the Wild Things Are, Breakfast at Five Leaves (aka the clubhouse) with Ada (although a phone conversation was subbed), another cancellation on Jen (such a drag) and sad sad sadly, dinner with Marie and Vince and Storbie--ughhh.

But by Sunday, the rain stopped, the wind died down, my nose stopped running, and I was getting back to myself (albeit a little guilty and hungover from all the tv and cold meds and missing the chance to see my friends). But I had taken it so easy, weaned off the thera-flu that hardly a sniffle remained and by 3 pm Sunday, I was able to do something I'd been planning all month (but I want rainchecks for what I had to miss): Sunday Suppers.

From the beautiful table and decor and the friendly guests, to the sweet and warm and wildly talented Karen and Casey, who welcomed us like old friends, and skills learned (boil cippolinis to get them to peel easier-ohhhhh!) I was so absolutely blown away by the beauty of all of it. Inspired to say the least, and really, what an incredible way to emerge into the world. Can we plan another Sunday Supper for all of us? What an incredible place to meet and enjoy and it was so inspiring to see a project like this come to life and shared, so perfectly delicious and down-to-earth and just what the doctor ordered on a quiet and beautiful Sunday afternoon. More coming but the menu so far is here...

*Thank you Karen and Casey and Ken and your team of lovelies...and also my date, Rachel!
and to my wonderful husband for all the soft tissues and chicken soup and taking care of me so I was well enough by Sunday at least not to miss this.


  1. glad your snuffles are better and that you got to enjoy such a very lovely looking dinner! xo.

  2. It sounds absolutely incredible and I am so glad you are feeling better....really truly! :)

  3. i'm glad you're feeling better as it sounds like you were really sick. take it easy as you get better. sunday suppers sounds like so much fun. i'd love to go, but feel so shy about it. fortunately, karen's photos make you feel like you were there. glad you recovered in times and here's to nice husbands who bring home chicken soup and tissues.

  4. thank you deb ! it was so so wonderful to finally meet you and rachel, thanks for the little surprise token and for this very kind write up :) cant wait to hang out again soon, xoxoxo
