Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Shnozberries Taste Like Shnozberries

The grocery section of Ikea. It's the section after you checkout and is only part that keeps Jim from putting real nasty voodoo spells on me. It makes us forget the shopping that preceded it.
The food shop is what I imagine the Stockholm airport to be like, after you get through the long lines and security checks, you get clean, clear colors and to the point graphics. You get fishy tubes of salmon and jars of citron herring. You get elderflower drinks and jams flavored like the flavors of love or cloudberries at least. I have no idea what a cloudberry is but I bought some anyway because please people, they're CLOUDBERRIES for christ's sake. Oh and the Anna's cookies...thin crispy gingery deliciousness--perfect for the holiday drop in when served with elderhjortonappledrÿk.
Thanks to Nadia for driving the point home that we should really stop and linger, even if it is mean old Ikea. Ünd we did.


  1. I love that you posted about this! There have been so many times that I've found myself in that grocery section just fascinated at the food selection. So strange and yet I somehow find myself wanting all of it. Then I get overwhelmed by the choices and opt, instead, for a fro yo at the snack stand.

  2. oh that is great deb! now you have me craving lingenberry juice!!

    and yes the simplicity of the packaging make things seem so much more luxurious!

  3. I love this section of ikea!!

    I bought there sea salt with citron last time of was there! a little sprinkle of chicken, bake and yummy!
    lemon chicken, so easy!!


  4. visited IKEA this past weekend and i pretty much hang out by the food section. Came home with a bag food of goodies...the closest i will be to being somewhere internationally.

  5. we went to Disney World and at Epcot there was a gift shop that looked just like Ikea. I actually like a few of the cookies, and of course, cloudberries must taste like cloudberries. Mr. Wonka wouldn't have it any other way

  6. if it weren't that this is ikea, I would say that the grocery section is my favorite section of the store. But this is Ikea, every section is my favorite.

  7. we got the orange-elderflower marmalade. it's too sweet! but i loooove the d'aim chocolates.

  8. i love everything about this post!
