Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Most Fall

last year's pumpkins by Jim and Deb.

past tableaus

sophie's birthday party, last year

maxine and the quinces

the quintessential acorn

morning quiet

I've felt the most fall this morning because:
* I'm watching Icky look out the window for her bird friends and they seem to be gone already.

*I've been a little crazy all week with planning all of Bonbon's holiday events. We'll kick-off on Saturday November 21st right here with my annual studio holiday party--a kind of "hello new studio, hello everyone" kind of shopping party with surprise guests--more on that this week-in the meantime Save November 21st!

*Halloween yesterday and I am taking a full weekend workshop to learn how to create "Flush Stone Settings" here. The teacher is amazing. I walked home amongst lots of little pirates and bats. When I walk back to class this morning, I'll be trying to cross the NY marathon route which goes right through our neighborhood. For the first time in a very long time, I dressed as myself in nightclothes for Halloween and fell asleep watching baseball.

*Speaking of which, the Yankees are back in the World Series and while I'm not a die-hard baseball fan, I am a.) from New York and b.) I do like a game that's full of intrigue, skill, stats and superstition. Plus I find many of the players, particularly on the Phillies, easy on the eyes.

* It's almost my niece Sophie's birthday and she asked that instead of presents, all of her friends give a donation to the local animal shelter. And then she got a puppy. That kid...

Tell me about how you really know it's Fall...


  1. There is absolutely no way to forget it's fall around here...Halloween with a 4 year old is a new and intense experience! xo t
    p.s. your fall photos make me feel cozy.

  2. Hi Deb! Loved reading this post because a) I totally relate to it and b) I haven't visited with you in awhile and this made me smile and remember your awesomeness. How are you, my dear!

    I'm going to catch up on you and on all the happenings around your bloggy-blog.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It's fall in Berlin when the smell of coal ovens (in yet-to-be-renovated East German apartments) permeates the air.

  5. the weather yesterday felt bewitchingly fall...indian summer plus spooky winds. plus i bought a sugar pumpkin at the farmers market so i can make some pumpkin goodies over the next few weeks. if that isn't fall, i don't know what is!

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  7. From the coast of the Adriatic sea: one day taking sun on the beach, the very next day strong and could wind and knitting scarf...
    Nice pictures.

  8. Much love and YEAH to the puppy!

  9. I know it is fall when I start rooting out all my favorite wooly sweaters, and when my walks with Nora take longer, because she is so happy snuffling all cool weather smells.

  10. It's fall around these parts when all I see are apples - apple cider, homemade applesauce, apple butter, apple picking. I'd like to think I smell like apples, too. Apples! Happy Fall, Deb!!!

  11. ooh....I love your ways of knowing it is fall. And how sweet is little icky looking out the window? We missed you yesterday but, how excited am I that you are learning flush stone settings? That means more beautiful things from you for us! I am so very sad that I will miss your holiday party.....(sob) and I agree with Traci above, your photos make me feel cosy too. Oh! How I know it is fall! Sorry.....the inaugaration of our fireplace, halloween, snuggling even closer in the chill, bringing out the scarves and gloves from their hibernation and.....the promise of the holidays!

  12. what a sweet girl, that sohpie! and, i love your pumpkins!

  13. Gorgeous pics! Especially icky & also the acorn.
    I know it's fall because the frostin's on the punkin. ;-)

  14. i love seeing the kitties deb. how do i know it's fall? because everyone else in the northern hemisphere is telling me about it. hot, hot, hot! (do i sound a bit cranky about the heat or what?!). xx

  15. your niece sophie is a doll and your party sounds like fun! love that acorn and all the color in your photos. it's amazing to me how a season transitioning into dormancy can be so lush with color.

  16. I love that Maxine! Spook eyes, I've seen that look before...

  17. these photos are gorgeous, gorgeous. i usually know it's fall when i keep reaching for the tights, boots, and sweaters. or when the farmer's market is full of gourds and squash and apples and pears. i miss those NY leaves...
