Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Let there be...lights

Guess what? The studio is almost done after a long break in momentum. I had shows to do and businesses to make go! But now the project has been switched back on~just now looking for lights for the almost-done-being-refurbished-room. I typed in French Industrial, and found this incroyable site. If a person could truly love inanimate objects, then I truly love all and any of these, which have enough charisma (and wattage) to seduce. Damn them. I was thinking to turn the studio into an interrogation room anyway.

*photos courtesy of factory 20


  1. how lovely!! I love these. you should visit if you haven't already. claudia always has beautiful things and thoughts to inspire. le sigh...

    and btw, we must be on the same wave length bc I blogged about paris aujourd'hui aussi. je t'embrasse et t'envoie beaucoup de bisous.

  2. i have a very special place in my heart for lamps..these are oh so pretty, deb! I can't wait to see that studio of yours!

  3. or, you could turn it into pixar!

  4. These are all incredibly beautiful... Sigh.

    And, I sent this link to another blog friend...maybe you'd like to take a look as well:

    I can't wait to see what your studio looks like..!


  5. lovely -that first one especially!
    hugs to you deb!

  6. love this company! I've been eyeing them for quite awhile now - gotta save up some $$ though as they are a bit pricey! Can't wait to see what you do :)

  7. oh, love. your studio is going to be AWES-ome. can't wait.

  8. I adore these pictures!
    These lamps have soul, some of them are a petite melancholic, non?
    Thank you for sharing these photos.

  9. These lamps have souls, some of theme are a petite melancholic, non?
    Love them. Thank you for sharing these images.

  10. This is what happens when you click on the publish button and the internet connections dies only for you to write a new comment and get them both published as you hit the button again...

  11. Oh good god! These are so incredible! Especially in love with number 2....* sigh* wow. Are we going to get to see you on sunday? I hope....

  12. i love the palette here. that last lamp looks like a sleeping robot.

  13. all of them! I love each and everything here! Thanks for the new addictive link! xo t

  14. hooray, you're at the lights chapter! can't wait to see your updates. such pretty lights...
