Friday, January 23, 2009

Practice Resurrection II, For Molly

Last night, as I was sleeping,
I dreamt--marvellous error!--
that I had a beehive
here inside my heart.
And the golden bees
were making white combs
and sweet honey
from my old failures.
--Antonio Machado

Last year, one of my favorite people and bloggers, Molly from Little house in the Clouds wrote such a moving post (I'm not sure I ever told her this but) I printed it out and hung it above my desk, where I could read it all the time when I'm..uh...feeling. Visiting her blog when I can is always such a sigh of relief--I love to see what she's thinking--she has such a beautiful and honest way of expressing herself and her ideas about....human-ness...she always has something so special to share---makes me feel I'm not alone in dealing with my mistakes and foibles and even achievements, the chapters of being alive and and striving to be...decent.. or heard.

I often wish I could sit down with her, or visit her like I used to when she lived in NY and talk even for a few minutes...
I think this Antonio Machado poem she added is so perfectly uh..perfect, I wanted to add it here to share it with you. Finally, you can read Molly's post here.

(Our photo-shoot happens this weekend--excerpts next week for sure!
Happy weekend lovelies!)


  1. neede to rad that quote today.... thank-you dear bonbon! xoh

  2. That is scintillatingly beautiful, merci bon bon et Molly!

  3. Wonderful poem.

    (love the cat photos, too)

  4. I do like it, I do!! Seriously's a pretty profound and wonderful thought. That the bad stuff can be spun into honey. I'm taking that with me:) Hope the shoot goes well, D!

  5. you inspire me, dear! thank you for lovely comment today. yes, we must definitely plan an outing. I'd love that:) when?! lol
    And, thank you for sharing this link...I will head over there straight away. have a wonderful weekend...stay warm!

  6. very inspiring sweet Deb! have a lovely and peaceful weekend!

  7. that poem is perfectly...perfect.

    hope your weekend is going swimmingly (ha, i just actually used swimmingly in a sentence) and that your photo shoot captures everything you want it to.

  8. I love that poem. How wonderful for a cold, crippling day. Got your message, call me later. Love you mucho.


  9. you have the most wonderful friends...thank you for sharing them...xo t

  10. What a wonderful poem. I the part about bees making honey out of old failures. I checked out the blog...I think it will need to become a regular stop.

  11. I hope your photo shoot went well! I went to Little House in the Clouds...a wonderful blog. I loved the poem from the Jan 24th post.

  12. well, ain't you just the sweetest miss deb? thanks for that.
    i still debate having this as my next tattoo...i'll let you know!

    ps: i added a little "wiki" link about mash-ups for you...and my mom!

  13. Ah, Antonio Machado is such a fabulous poet... I'll try to find this poem in the original Spanish.

  14. How inspiring and thoughtful - I'm sure she feels the same!

  15. i love Molly and her blog! she is refreshing.
