not the actor that stopped by my stand at the Brooklyn FleaAt the Brooklyn Flea on Saturday, an incredibly handsome British actor stopped at my stand and, even though I had no idea what his name was and could not remember what I had seen him in, I pretended not to be starstruck. I think it was Sex and the City. Or some incredibly innocuous romantic comedy that I watch as a reward for my brain. He was blonde and chiseled and had a gajillion dollar smile:
Handsome British Actor: "Wow, these are just lovely..what are these little pieces?"
Me: "Oh those stuff is, I mean those pieces pendants of antique glass inlaid-foil milk, I mean it's milk-GLASS and they're pendants probably from around the turn-of-the-country's, umm, I mean century."
HBA: (He examines my idiocy from under his sunglasses)"...oh wow....very nice! Do you just find them in thrift shops and such?"
Me: (trying to be charming, luckily coming off pretentious) Well, I have a few sources for antique bits in Paris and a few for bobs here in the states and well, I find them that way. doy douuuhhhhhdoyuuuuh...."
A few more quips and witicisms and he was gone, disappearing into the abyss, Bonbon postcard folded up in his back pocket, off to be handsome and quasi-famous somewhere else in the world.
When I get home, I google british actors, new british actors, australian actors, british australian actors nyc, sex in the city bit roles, australian british sex in the city chiseled features, dimpled chin... to no avail. But I did find the above, an insanely handsome picture of this fellow,
Hugh Dancy, to which I thought, come on people. How can you be THAT farking good looking? I mean really....
(Here's to the real star of Saturday...)