"tess of the d'urbaville's" and "dick clark's rockin
new year's eve" or something like that.
It's all very jane austen to me.)
new year's eve" or something like that.
It's all very jane austen to me.)
This year the ready-to-be-bethrothed P. persuaded me to visit David Austin Roses and totally rose out. "Bare root roses" from one rosey camp and one final push from expert jardin afficianado Marie to send me over the edge today, telling how her fleurs "provide perfume day and night" on her little terrace, in an article she was just today featured in. Between them, the poetry of a gorgeous, tender, flowering patio has wrapped a little tendril around my heart (and purse strings).
I didn't labor too long and hit "go" on all of the above. And now I'm taking a break from being enamored by these crazy beautiful creatures from Whiteflower Farm, poppies for June, lavender for July, dahlias for August, imagining them, colors and textures all crunched together in pots on a small, ready to be destinkafied patio along with my herbs and some other strong leafy things (and of course a few tomatoes).